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DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top;
managedElementPackage PACKAGE
managedElementBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
"The Managed Element object class is a class of managed objects representing telecommunications equipment or TMN entities (either groups or parts) within the telecommunications network that performs managed element functions, i.e. provides support and/or service to the subscriber. Managed elements may or may not additionally perform mediation/OS functions. A managed element communicates with the manager (directly or indirectly) over one or more standard Q-interfaces for the purpose of being monitored and/or controlled. A managed element contains equipment that may or may not be geographically distributed.
When the attribute value change notification package is present, the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 shall be emitted when the value of one of the following attribute changes: alarm status, user label, version, location name and current problem list. For the above attributes that are in conditional packages, the behaviour for emitting the attribute value change notification applies only when the corresponding conditional packages are present in the managed object. When the state change notification package is present, the stateChangeNotification defined in Recommendation X.721 shall be emitted if the value of administrative state or operational state or usage state changes."
; ;
managedElementId GET,
"Recommendation X.721: 1992":systemTitle GET-REPLACE,
alarmStatus GET,
"Recommendation X.721: 1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE,
"Recommendation X.721: 1992":operationalState GET,
"Recommendation X.721: 1992":usageState GET;
"Recommendation X.721: 1992":environmentalAlarm,
"Recommendation X.721: 1992":equipmentAlarm,
"Recommendation X.721: 1992":communicationsAlarm,
"Recommendation X.721: 1992":processingErrorAlarm;;;
createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion
notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this class.",
attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange
notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.",
stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in
Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.",
audibleVisualLocalAlarmPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it",
resetAudibleAlarmPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it",
userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it",
vendorNamePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it",
versionPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it",
locationNamePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it",
currentProblemListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it",
externalTimePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it",
systemTimingSourcePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it";


GDMO object for network management

See classes of OIDs


Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T M.3100

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Parent OID: managedObjectClass(3) First sibling OID: network(1) Previous sibling OID: equipment(2) Next sibling OID: software(4) Last sibling OID: managedElementComplex(34) Separation line
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