DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top;
crossConnectionPackage PACKAGE
crossConnectionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
"A managed object of this class represents an assignment relationship between the termination point or GTP object listed in the From Termination attribute and the termination point or GTP objects listed in the To Termination attribute of this managed object.
The To Termination attribute will always be non-NULL. The From Termination attribute will only be NULL in the case of point-to-multipoint configurations. If the From Termination attribute has a value of NULL, the assignment relationship is between the termination point object or the GTP object listed in the From Termination attribute of the containing Multipoint Cross-Connection managed object and the termination point object or GTP object listed in the To Termination attribute of this managed object.
A point to point cross-connection can be established between: one of CTP Sink, CTP Bidirectional, TTP Source, TTP Bidirectional, or GTP; and one of CTP Source, CTP Bidirectional, TTP Sink, TTP Bidirectional, or GTP.
In a unidirectional cross-connection, the termination or GTP object pointed to by the From Termination and the termination point or GTP object pointed to by the To Termination attribute (in this object or the containing mpCrossConnection) are related in such a way that traffic can flow between the termination points represented by these managed objects. In a bidirectional cross-connection, information flows in both directions.
If the objects listed in the From Termination and To Termination attributes are GTPs, the nth element of the From Termination GTP is related to the nth element of the To Termination GTP (for every n).
If the fromTermination attribute has a value of NULL, the directionality attribute must have the value unidirectional.
The total rate of the From Terminations must be equal to the total rate of To Terminations.
The attribute Signal Type describes the signal that is cross-connected. The termination points or GTPs that are cross-connected must have signal types that are compatible.
If an instance of this object class is contained in a multipoint cross-connection and the operational state of the containing multipoint cross-connection is disabled, the operational state of this object will also be disabled.
The following are the definitions of the administrative state and the operational state attributes:
Administrative State:
- Unlocked: The Cross-Connection object is administratively unlocked. Traffic is allowed to pass through the connection.
- Locked: No traffic is allowed to pass through the Cross-Connection. The connectivity pointers in the cross-connected termination points is NULL.
Operational State:
- Enabled: The Cross-Connection is performing its normal function.
- Disabled: The Cross-Connection is incapable of performing its normal cross-connection function."
crossConnectionId GET,
"Recommendation X.721 : 1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE,
"Recommendation X.721 : 1992":operationalState GET,
signalType GET,
fromTermination GET,
toTermination GET,
directionality GET;
Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T M.3100