trailTerminationPointSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS
DERIVED FROM terminationPoint;
trailTerminationPointSinkPackage PACKAGE
trailTerminationPointSinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
"This managed object represents a termination point where a trail is terminated. It represents the access point in a layer network which is a focus for both the trail relationship and the client/server relationship.
The operational state reflects the perceived ability to receive a valid signal. If the termination point detects that a signal received has failed or it is unable to process the incoming signal, then the operational state will have the value disabled.
When the administrative state is locked, the termination point is administratively removed from service. When the administrative state is unlocked, the termination point is administratively in service. Changes to administrative state have no effect on the connectivity pointer.
A change in the operational state shall cause a state change notification. If administrative state is present in an instance of trail termination point sink class, it shall not emit a state change notification. However, subclasses of trail termination point sink class may modify this behaviour to require this notification. Subclasses of trail termination point sink shall specify the attributes for which attribute value change notifications should be generated.
The upstream connectivity pointer attribute points to the termination point managed object, within the same managed element, that sends information (traffic) to this termination point at the same layer, or is null. The referenced object shall be an instance of one of the following classes or its subclasses: Connection Termination Point Sink or Bidirectional (single or a concatenated sequence) or Trail Termination Point Source or Bidirectional."
upstreamConnectivityPointer GET SET-BY-CREATE;;;
"Recommendation X.721:1992":administrativeStatePackage PRESENT IF
"the resource represented by the managed object is capable of being administratively placed in and out of service",
supportableClientListPackage PRESENT IF
"the object class can support more than one type of client",
ttpInstancePackage PRESENT IF
"the name binding used to create an instance of this object class requires this attribute.";
Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T M.3100