OID repository
OID Repository
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  Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree itu-t(0) | ccitt(0) | itu-r(0)   -- International Telecommunication...
  Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso(1)   -- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree standard(0)   -- ISO or IEC International Standards (not jointly...
  | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree registration-authority(1)   -- Registration authorities
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(1)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree document-type(2)   -- Document types (a class of OSI documents,...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(3)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.662 | ISO/IEC 9834-3
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(4)   -- ISO/IEC 9834-4
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(5)   -- ISO/IEC 9834-5
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(6)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.665 | ISO/IEC 9834-6
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(7)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.666 | ISO/IEC 9834-7
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(8)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.667 | ISO/IEC 9834-8
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(9)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.668 | ISO/IEC 9834-9
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(10)   -- ISO/IEC 9834-10
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree iso2108(2108)   -- ISO 2108 "Information and documentation --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso2375(2375)   -- ISO 2375:1985: Data processing -- Procedure...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso10036(10036)   -- ISO/IEC 10036 "Font information interchange...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cbeff(19785)   -- ISO/IEC 19785 "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso24727(24727)   -- ISO/IEC 24727 "Identification cards --...
  | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree member-body(2)   -- ISO Member Bodies
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree au(36)   -- Australia
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree at(40)   -- Austria
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree be(56)   -- Belgium
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ca(124)   -- Canada
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cn(156)   -- People's Republic of China
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cz(203)   -- Czech Republic
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dk(208)   -- Denmark
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fi(246)   -- Finland
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fr(250)   -- France
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree de(276)   -- Germany
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 280   -- Germany (in German, Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gr(300)   -- Greece
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree hk(344)   -- Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ie(372)   -- Ireland
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree jp(392)   -- Japan
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree kz(398)   -- Kazakhstan
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree kr(410)   -- Korea (the Republic of)
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree md(498)   -- Moldova (Republic of)
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ma(504)   -- Morocco
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree nl(528)   -- Netherlands (the)
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ng(566)   -- Nigeria
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree no(578)   -- Norway
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pl(616)   -- Poland
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree organization(1)   -- Organizations
  | | | -Leaf of the OID tree business(2)   -- Business organizations
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ru(643)   -- Russian Federation
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg1(1)   -- Communication organizations
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg2(2) | rans(2)   -- Software vendors
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg3(3) | ca(3)   -- Certification Authorities (CA)
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg4(4)   -- Banks
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg5(5)   -- Government organizations
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg6(6)   -- Other organizations
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 1   -- Reserved
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 2   -- Joint Stock Company (JSC) First Specialized...
  | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 3   -- Electronic Marketplace Association (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 4   -- CJSC "SETTLEMENT AND DEPOSITORY COMPANY" (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 5   -- Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) Specialized Pension...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 6   -- Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) Atlas-2 (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 7   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) Economic Development...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 8   -- LLC Auction-Group (in Russian, ООО АУКЦИОН-ГРУПП)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 9   -- LLC Systems of Electronic Trading (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 10   -- LLC "ELEMENT" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 11   -- CJSC VTB SPECIALIZED DEPOSITORY (in Russian, )
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 12   -- LLC "Electronic platform number 1" (in Russian, " 1")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 13   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) National Credit...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 14   -- LLC Center for Realization (in Russian, ООО ЦЕНТР...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 15   -- LLC "FABRIKANT.RU" (in Russian, ".")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 16   -- Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) "OTC Markets" (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 17   -- LLC Electronic Commercial Site "GPB" (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 18   -- Center fir Distance Trades (in Russian, ЗАО ЦЕНТР...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 19   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) Unified Electronic...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 20   -- LLC Multiservice Payment System (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 21   -- Joint Stock Company (JSC) Russian Railways (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 22   -- Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) St. Petersburg...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 23   -- Customs Card LLC (in Russian, ООО Таможенная карта)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 24   -- LLC "Electronic Arbitration" (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 25   -- LLC "SYSTEM SOLUTIONS." (in Russian, " .")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 26   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) Bashkir Register of...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 27   -- LLC "ARBITAT" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 28   -- LLC "AVTODOR" (formerly, "TP" LLC AVTODOR-TS (until...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 29   -- PJSC "AEROFLOT" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 30   -- LLC "GAZKOMPLEKTSERVIS" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 31   -- GC "BASHINFORMSVYAZ" OJSC "UZ" PROMSVYAZ " (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 32   -- LLC "AST GOZ" (in Russian, ООО АСТ ГОЗ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 33   -- Maxus LLC (in Russian, ООО Максус)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 35   -- LIBERTY INSURANCE (JSC) (in Russian, ())
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 36   -- AO SPBMTSB (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 37   -- Joint Stock Company (JSC) Electronic Passport (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 38   -- "ESTP-SRO" LLC (in Russian, ООО "ЕСТП-СРО")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 39   -- LLC "ETS OBLTORG" (in Russian, ООО ЭТС ОБЛТОРГ)
  | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 40   -- Joint Stock Company (JSC) "SKRIN" (in Russian, АО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 41   -- LLC "INTERFAX - CRK" (in Russian, " - ")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 42   -- Joint Stock Company (JSC) "AEI Prime" (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 43   -- LLC "NAVIKOM" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 44   -- ANO "AZIPI" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 45   -- CJSC "ANALYSIS, CONSULTING AND MARKETING" (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 46   -- LLC "HAYTEK" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 47   -- LLC "ETEP" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 48   -- LLC "ATC" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 49   -- LLC Unified Shopping Place of the Republic of...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 50   -- URALBIDIN LLC (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 51   -- ESP LLC (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 52   -- Garant LLC (in Russian,ООО ГАРАНТ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 53   -- LLC "Sirin" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 54   -- AO GLONASS (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 55   -- LLC "FRITREYD" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 56   -- LLC "UTender" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 57   -- FINTECH ASSOCIATION (in Russian, )
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 58   -- GAUZ Mechetlinsky sanatorium for children with...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 59   -- LLC "Rodeo" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 60   -- CJSC "UETP" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 61   -- AO "ARKHRECHPORT" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 62   -- Federation Auctions LLC (in Russian, ООО Аукционы...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 63   -- Insurance public joint stock company Reso-Garantiya...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 64   -- "IKG" LLC (in Russian, ООО ИКГ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 65   -- "PTP" LLC (in Russian, ООО ПТП)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 66   -- "BLK" LLC (in Russian, ООО БЛК)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 67   -- "FINSI" LLC (in Russian, ООО ФИНСИ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 68   -- Joint Stock Company (JSC) "SKTBE" (in Russian, АО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 69   -- "OBU ITC" (in Russian, ОБУ ИТЦ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 70   -- "NIK" LLC (in Russian, ООО НИК)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 71   -- Tekhstroyengineering LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 72   -- Joint Stock Company (JSC) Wellston (in Russian, АО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 73   -- Fudplex LLC (in Russian, ООО ФУДПЛЕКС)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 74   -- "OTP" LLC (in Russian, ООО ОТП)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 75   -- "TET" LLC (in Russian, ООО ТЭТ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 76   -- "NP" Clinic of St. Elizabeth (in Russian, НП Клиника...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 77   -- Meditek Group LLC (in Russian, ООО Медитэк групп)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 78   -- Commercial Technologies LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 79   -- "CVMR Pigmalion" LLC (in Russian, ООО ЦВМР ПИГМАЛИОН)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 80   -- Medial LLC (in Russian, ООО МЕДИАЛ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 81   -- LLC Medilux-TM (in Russian, ООО Медилюкс-ТМ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 82   -- NovaCard Joint Stock Company (JSC)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 83   -- Old City LLC (in Russian, ООО Старый город)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 84   -- Clinic Professional LLC (in Russian, ООО КЛИНИКА...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 85   -- Vision Center LLC (in Russian, ООО ЦЕНТР ЗРЕНИЯ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 86   -- Standart LLC (in Russian, ООО Стандарт)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 87   -- LLC "MPTS" Avangard-Med (in Russian, ООО МПЦ...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 88   -- Center of Modern Cosmetology "El Cosmo" LLC (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 89   -- "LPMU Pulsfarma" LLC (in Russian, ООО ЛПМУ...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 90   -- Uromed LLC (in Russian, ООО Уромед)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 91   -- Hearing Rehabilitation Center LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 92   -- Zubovrachebnaya Klinika LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 93   -- Joint Stock Company (JSC) "Medius S" (in Russian, АО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 94   -- German Clinic Wunderkind LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 95   -- Evrodent LLC (in Russian, ООО ЕВРОДЕНТ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 97   -- German Facility Clinic LLC (in Russian, ООО НЕМЕЦКАЯ...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 98   -- German Clinic LLC (in Russian, ООО Немецкая клиника)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 99   -- German Medical Center LLC (in Russian, ООО НЕМЕЦКИЙ...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 100   -- "LDC MIBS-Stary Oskol" LLC (in Russian, ООО ЛДЦ...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 101   -- City Dentistry LLC (in Russian, ООО ГОРОДСКАЯ...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 105   -- Meridian LLC (in Russian, ООО Меридиан)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 106   -- TenderStandard LLC (in Russian, ООО ТендерСтандарт)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 107   -- "YUKS" LLC (in Russian, ООО ЮКС)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 108   -- MedConsultant LLC (in Russian, ООО МедКонсультант)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 110   -- Lyudmila Vlasova's Cosmetology Clinic LLC (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 111   -- Dentex + LLC (in Russian, ООО ДЕНТЭКС +)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 112   -- Dentex LLC (in Russian, ООО ДЕНТЭКС)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 113   -- "HOA" Na Prudakh (in Russian, ТСЖ На прудах)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 114   -- "ST Group" LLC (in Russian, ООО СТ ГРУПП)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 115   -- Denta Lux LLC (in Russian, ООО Дента Люкс)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 116   -- "PKMC" LLC (in Russian, ООО ПКМЦ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 117   -- Profmeddiagnostika Plus LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 118   -- ProfMedDiagnostika LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 119   -- Joint Stock Company (JSC) "NIS" (in Russian, АО НИС)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 120   -- MeDiagnostics LLC (in Russian, ООО МеДиагностика)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 121   -- Mediadiagnostika+ LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 122   -- Medical Technologies LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 123   -- "ChVP" Home Doctor LLC (in Russian, ООО ЧВП...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 124   -- МБУ СШОР ПО СПОРТИВНОЙ ГИМНАСТИКЕ
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 125   -- "LOGAU Luzhsky KTSSON (in Russian, ЛОГАУ ЛУЖСКИЙ...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 126   -- Zhemchug LLC (in Russian, ООО Жемчуг)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 127   -- Липецкая областная организация профсоюза работников...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 128   -- LLC Pravo-Torg (in Russian, ООО ПРАВО-ТОРГ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 129   -- "UMP Tomskpharmacy" (in Russian, УМП Томскфармация)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 130   -- "MCDL "LLC (in Russian, ООО МЦДЛ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 131   -- " 2"
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 142   -- Alimbekova Clinic LLC (in Russian, ООО АЛИМБЕКОВА...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 144   -- "Severodvinskoe ATP" LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 145   -- LLC Mister-Dent (in Russian, ООО МИСТЕР-ДЕНТ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 146   -- Pearl of Kostromy LLC (in Russian, ООО ЖЕМЧУЖИНА...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 147   -- Luxoptica LLC (in Russian, ООО Люксоптика)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 148   -- "VMT" LLC (in Russian, ООО ВМТ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 149   -- "KU VO OCSPSD Burevestnik (in Russian, КУ ВО ОЦСПСД...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 150   -- Laboratory Research Center LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 151   -- State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "PKPB" (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 152   -- "OGUP OAS" (in Russian, ОГУП ОАС)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 154   -- "MC Extra" LLC (in Russian, ООО МЦ ЭКСТРА)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 155   -- Avanstom LLC (in Russian, ООО Аванстом)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 158   -- Limited Liability Company "TOKEN" (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 159   -- "REEPP" (in Russian, РИЭПП)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 161   -- "ESRG-ECO" LLC (in Russian, ООО ЭсАрДжи-ЭКО)
  | | | | -Leaf of the OID tree 162   -- Progmatik LLC (in Russian, ООО Прогматик)
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg7(7) | rosstandart(7)   -- Organizations in the field of...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg8(8)   -- Education organizations
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg9(9)   -- Municipalities
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fss(100)   -- Additional identifiers
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree sg(702)   -- Singapore
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree se(752)   -- Sweden
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ua(804)   -- Ukraine
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gb(826)   -- United Kingdom
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree us(840)   -- United States of America
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree identified-organization(3)   -- Organization identification...
  Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree joint-iso-itu-t(2) | joint-iso-ccitt(2)   -- Areas of joint work...
    |-Leaf of the OID tree presentation(0)   -- Presentation layer service and protocol
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree asn1(1)   -- ASN.1 standards
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree association-control(2)   -- Association Control Service Element...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reliable-transfer(3)   -- Reliable transfer service element
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree remote-operations(4)   -- Remote Operations Service Element (ROSE)
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ds(5) | directory(5)   -- Directory services
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree mhs(6) | mhs-motis(6)   -- Message Handling System (MHS), also...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ccr(7)   -- Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery (CCR) service and...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree oda(8)   -- Open Document Architecture (ODA)
    Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ms(9) | osi-management(9)   -- OSI network management, and...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree smo(0)   -- System Management Overview (SMO)
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cmip(1)   -- Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP).
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree function(2)   -- Systems management functions
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree smi(3)   -- Structure of Management Information (SMI)
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree applicationContext(4)   -- Application context
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree transaction-processing(10)   -- Transaction processing
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dor(11) | distinguished-object-reference(11)   -- ISO 10031-2...
    Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reference-data-transfer(12) | rdt(12)   -- Referenced Data...
    | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree modules(0)   -- ASN.1 modules
    | | |-Leaf of the OID tree abstract-service-definition(0)   -- ASN.1 module defined in...
    | | |-Leaf of the OID tree application-service-element(1)   -- ASN.1 module named...
    | | -Leaf of the OID tree ac-definition(3)   -- ASN.1 module named...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree abstract-service(1)   -- Referenced Data Transfer (RDT) abstract...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree abstract-syntax(2)   -- Referenced Data Transfer (RDT) abstract...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree service-elements(3)   -- Referenced Data Transfer (RDT) service...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree application-contexts-2(4)   -- Referenced Data Transfer (RDT)...
    Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree network-layer(13) | network-layer-management(13)   -- Network...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree management(0)   -- Management
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree transport-layer(14) | transport-layer-management(14)   -- ...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree datalink-layer(15) | datalink-layer-management(15) | ...   -- OSI data...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree country(16)   -- Joint (ITU-T and ISO/IEC) registration within a...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree registration-procedures(17)   -- ISO/IEC and/or ITU-T activities...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree physical-layer(18) | physical-layer-management(18)   -- Physical...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree mheg(19)   -- Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree genericULS(20) | generic-upper-layers-security(20) | guls(20)   -- ...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree transport-layer-security-protocol(21)   -- Transport layer...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree network-layer-security-protocol(22)   -- Network layer security...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree international-organizations(23)   -- International organizations
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree sios(24)   -- Security Information Objects (SIOs) for access...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree uuid(25)   -- Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs) generated in...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree odp(26)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.900 series | ISO/IEC 10746 & 13235...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree tag-based(27) | nid(27)   -- Tag-based identifications...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree its(28)   -- Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree upu(40)   -- Universal Postal Union (UPU)
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree bip(41)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.1083 | ISO/IEC 24708 "Bio application...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree telebiometrics(42)   -- Telebiometrics including telehealth and...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cybersecurity(48)   -- Cybersecurity information exchange
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree alerting(49)   -- Alerts and alerting agencies according to...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ors(50)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.672 | ISO/IEC 29168-1 "Information...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gs1(51)   -- GS1
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree uav(52)   -- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
    -Leaf of the OID tree example(999)   -- Example
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