OID repository
OID Repository
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  Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree itu-t(0) | ccitt(0) | itu-r(0)   -- International Telecommunication...
  Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso(1)   -- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree standard(0)   -- ISO or IEC International Standards (not jointly...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 639   -- Series of ISO 639 International Standards "Codes for...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 1087   -- ISO 1087 series "Terminology work - Vocabulary"
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 2022   -- ISO/IEC 2022 "Information technology - Character code...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 2382   -- ISO/IEC 2382 series "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree country-codes(3166)   -- ISO 3166 "Codes for the representation...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree iso4217(4217)   -- ISO 4217 "Currency Codes"
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree sdtc(4426)   -- ISO 4426 "Intelligent transport systems — Lower...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree secure-multiparty-computation(4922)   -- ISO/IEC 4922...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree human-sexes(5218)   -- ISO/IEC 5218 "Information technology --...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree iso6523(6523)   -- ISO/IEC 6523 "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 7498   -- ISO/IEC 7498 series "Information processing systems --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso7816(7816) | ic-cards(7816)   -- ISO 7816 series "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso8571(8571) | ftam(8571)   -- OSI (Open Systems...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 8601   -- ISO 8601 "Data elements and interchange formats --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso8802(8802)   -- ISO/IEC 8802 "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree vt-b(9040)   -- ISO/IEC 9040 "Information technology -- Open...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso9041(9041)   -- ISO/IEC 9041 series: Information technology...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 9069   -- ISO 9069 "Information processing -- Standard...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree bic(9362)   -- ISO 9362 "Banking -- Banking telecommunication...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso9506(9506)   -- ISO 9506 multi-part standard: "Industrial...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ips-osi-mips(9596)   -- ISO/IEC 9596 series "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree signature-schemes(9796)   -- ISO/IEC 9796 "International...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree message-authentication-codes(9797)   -- ISO/IEC 9797...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree e-auth-mechanisms(9798)   -- ISO 9798 series "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 9834   -- ISO 9834 Series "Information technology -- Open...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso9979(9979)   -- ISO/IEC 9979 International Standard:...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree mess(9992) | iso9992(9992)   -- ISO/IEC 9992 series "Financial...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree mhs(10021)   -- ISO/IEC 10021ISO/IEC 10021 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree modes-of-operation(10116)   -- ISO/IEC 10116 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree hash-functions(10118)   -- ISO/IEC 10118 "Information technology...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso10161(10161)   -- ISO 10161 "Information and documentation --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 10166   -- ISO/IEC 10166 "International Standard: Information...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 10374   -- International Standard ISO 10374: Freight containers...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso10646(10646)   -- ISO/IEC 10646 "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 10746   -- ISO/IEC 10746 series "Information technology -- Open...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 10891   -- ISO/TS 10891: Freight containers -- Radio frequency...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso11188(11188) | culr(11188) | x637(11188)   -- ISO/IEC 11188...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 11404   -- ISO/IEC 11404 "Information technology -- Programming...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree rpc(11578)   -- ISO/IEC 11578:1996: Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-generic-procedures(11582)   -- ISO/IEC 11582 "Generic...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree key-management(11770) | keyManagement(11770)   -- ISO/IEC 11770...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 12813   -- ISO 12813 "Electronic fee collection -- Compliance...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 12855   -- ISO 12855 "Electronic fee collection -- Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 13141   -- ISO 13141 "Electronic fee collection -- Localisation...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree iban(13616)   -- ISO 13616 "Financial services -- International...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-name(13868)   -- ISO/IEC 13868 "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-call-transfer(13869)   -- ISO 13869 "Information technology...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-call-completion(13870)   -- ISO/IEC 13870 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-call-diversion(13873)   -- ISO/IEC 13873 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-path-replacement(13874)   -- ISO/IEC 13874 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree non-repudiation(13888)   -- ISO/IEC 13888 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso14813(14813)   -- ISO/TR 14813 "Transport Information and...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso14816(14816)   -- ISO 14816 "Road transport and traffic...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gdd(14823)   -- ISO 14823 "Intelligent transport systems --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-call-offer(14843)   -- ISO/IEC 14843 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-do-not-disturb(14844)   -- ISO/IEC 14844 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-call-intrusion(14846)   -- ISO/IEC 14846 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree digital-signature-with-appendix(14888) | ...   -- ISO/IEC 14888...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 14906   -- ISO 14906 "Electronic fee collection -- Application...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-advice-of-charge(15050)   -- ISO/IEC 15050 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-recall(15052)   -- ISO/IEC 15052 "Information technology —...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-cint(15054)   -- ISO/IEC 15054 "Information technology —...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 15118   -- ISO 15118 "Road vehicles — Vehicle to grid...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 15418   -- ISO/IEC 15418:2009 "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-location-registration(15429)   -- ISO/IEC 15429...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-wtm-call-handling(15431)   -- ISO/IEC 15431 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-authentication(15433)   -- ISO/IEC 15433 "Information...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 15434   -- ISO/IEC 15434 "Transfer Syntax for High Capacity data...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 15459   -- ISO/IEC 15459 "Information technology -- Automatic...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-message-waiting-indication(15506)   -- ISO/IEC 15506...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pinx-clock-synchronization(15507)   -- ISO/IEC 15507...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dsrc(15628)   -- ISO 15628 "Road transport and traffic...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-common-information(15772)   -- ISO/IEC 15772 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree elliptic-curves(15946)   -- ISO/IEC 15946 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree rfid-data-protocol(15961)   -- ISO/IEC 15961 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-call-interruption(15992)   -- ISO/IEC 15992 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree localized(16460)   -- ISO/TS 16460 "Intelligent transport...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 16785   -- ISO/TS 16785 "Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree hcpki(17090)   -- ISO 17090 "Health informatics -- Public key...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso17262(17262)   -- ISO 17262 "Intelligent transport systems --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso17264(17264)   -- ISO 17264 "Intelligent transport systems --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cits-applMgmt(17419)   -- ISO 17419 "Intelligent transport...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cits-applReq(17423)   -- ISO/TS 17423 "Intelligent Transport...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree itssf(17429)   -- ISO/TS 17429 "Intelligent Transport Systems...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree inavi(17438)   -- ISO 17438-1 "Intelligent Transport Systems...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree lte(17515)   -- ISO 17515 "Intelligent transport systems —...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 17573   -- ISO 17573 "Electronic fee collection — Systems...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 17575   -- ISO TS 17575: Road Transport and Traffic Telematics...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-pum-registration(17876)   -- ISO/IEC 17876 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-pum-call-handling(17878)   -- ISO/IEC 17878 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree bhsm(17922)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.1085 | ISO/IEC 17922 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree driving-licence(18013)   -- ISO/IEC 18013 series "Personal...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree tss(18014) | time-stamp(18014)   -- ISO/IEC 18014 "Information...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree random-bit-generation(18031)   -- ISO/IEC 18031 "Information...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree prime-number-generation(18032)   -- ISO/IEC 18032 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree encryption-algorithms(18033) | is18033(18033)   -- ISO/IEC 18033...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree blind-digital-signatures-mechanisms(18370)   -- ISO/IEC 18370...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cits-ldm(18750)   -- ISO/TS 18750 "Intelligent transport systems...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree six-lowpan(19079)   -- ISO 19079 "Intelligent transport systems...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree signalizedIntersection(19091)   -- ISO/TS 19091 "Intelligent...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ivi(19321)   -- ISO/TS 19321 "Intelligent Transport Systems...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-single-step-call-transfer(19460)   -- ISO/IEC 19460...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree secret-sharing(19592)   -- ISO/IEC 19592 "Information technology...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree authenticated-encryption(19772)   -- ISO/IEC 19772 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cbeff(19785)   -- ISO/IEC 19785: Information Technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 19794   -- ISO/IEC 19794 series "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree anonymous-digital-signatures(20008)   -- ISO/IEC 20008...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree anonymous-entity-authentication(20009) | ...   -- ISO/IEC 20009 series...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree unifi(20022)   -- ISO 20022 "Universal Financial Industry...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 20248   -- ISO/IEC 20248 "Automatic identification and data...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 20684   -- ISO 20684 series "Intelligent transport systems —...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree scm-standard(20828)   -- ASN.1 module named...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 21000   -- ISO/IEC 21000 series "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 21091   -- ISO 21091 "Health informatics -- Directory services...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pvt(21176)   -- ISO/TS 21176 "Cooperative Intelligent Transport...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree its-s-secure-session(21177)   -- ISO TS 21177 "Intelligent...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gtdm(21184)   -- ISO TS 21184 "Cooperative Intelligent Transport...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cptd21185(21185)   -- ISO/TS 21185 "Intelligent transport...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 21192   -- ISO TS 21192 "Electronic fee collection -- Support...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 21193   -- ISO/TS 21193 "Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree its-ipv6(21210)   -- ISO 21210 "Intelligent transport systems --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree calm-m5(21215)   -- ISO 21215 "Intelligent transport systems —...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree calm-ll-sap(21218)   -- ISO 21218 "Intelligent transport systems...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-simple-dialog(21407)   -- ISO/IEC 21407 "Information...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pss1-call-identification-and-call-linkage(21889)   -- ISO/IEC...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fsap(22418)   -- ISO 22418 "Intelligent transport systems — Fast...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree occ(22738)   -- ISO 22738 "Intelligent transport systems —...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree css(22895)   -- ISO 22895 "Financial services - Security -...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree redaction-of-authentic-data(23264)   -- ISO/IEC 23264...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree calm-management(24102)   -- ISO 24102 "Intelligent transport...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cz(24311)   -- ISO 24311 "Intelligent transport systems --...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 24531   -- ISO 24531 "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso24534(24534)   -- ISO 24534 "Automatic vehicle and equipment...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso24727(24727)   -- ISO/IEC 24727 "Identification cards --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 24753   -- ISO/IEC 24753 "Information technology -- Radio...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree acbio(24761)   -- ISO/IEC 24761 "Information technology --...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 24787   -- ISO/IEC 24787 "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree signcryption(29150)   -- ISO/IEC 29150 "Information technology...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree lightweight-cryptography(29192)   -- ISO/IEC 29192-4...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree calm-nonip(29281)   -- ISO 29281 "Intelligent transport systems...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 30107   -- ISO/IEC 30107 "Information technology -- Biometric...
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso-iec-39794(39794)   -- ISO/IEC 39794 series "Information...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree part-1(1)   -- ISO/IEC 39794-1 "Information technology --...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree part-2(2)   -- ISO/IEC 39794-2 "Information technology —...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree part-4(4)   -- ISO/IEC 39794-4 "Information technology —...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree part-5(5)   -- ISO/IEC 39794-5 "Information technology —...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree part-6(6)   -- ISO/IEC 39794-6 "Information technology —...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree part-9(9)   -- ISO/IEC 39794-9 "Information technology —...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree part-16(16)   -- ISO/IEC 39794-16 "Information technology —...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree stdx61375(61375)   -- IEC 61375-1 "Electronic railway equipment...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iec62351(62351)   -- IEC 62351 "Power systems management and...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iec62379(62379)   -- IEC 62379 series "Common control interface...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iec62439(62439)   -- IEC 62439 "Industrial communication...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree listmode-dataformat(63047)   -- IEC 63047 "Nuclear...
  | | -Leaf of the OID tree ses4hit(81001)   -- ISO 81001 "Health software and health...
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree registration-authority(1)   -- Registration authorities
  | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree member-body(2)   -- ISO Member Bodies
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree au(36)   -- Australia
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree at(40)   -- Austria
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree be(56)   -- Belgium
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ca(124)   -- Canada
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cn(156)   -- People's Republic of China
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cz(203)   -- Czech Republic
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dk(208)   -- Denmark
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fi(246)   -- Finland
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fr(250)   -- France
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree de(276)   -- Germany
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 280   -- Germany (in German, Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gr(300)   -- Greece
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree hk(344)   -- Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ie(372)   -- Ireland
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree jp(392)   -- Japan
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree kz(398)   -- Kazakhstan
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree kr(410)   -- Korea (the Republic of)
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree md(498)   -- Moldova (Republic of)
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ma(504)   -- Morocco
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree nl(528)   -- Netherlands (the)
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ng(566)   -- Nigeria
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree no(578)   -- Norway
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pl(616)   -- Poland
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ru(643)   -- Russian Federation
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg1(1)   -- Communication organizations
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg2(2) | rans(2)   -- Software vendors
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg3(3) | ca(3)   -- Certification Authorities (CA)
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg4(4)   -- Banks
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg5(5)   -- Government organizations
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg6(6)   -- Other organizations
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg7(7) | rosstandart(7)   -- Organizations in the field of...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg8(8)   -- Education organizations
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg9(9)   -- Municipalities
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fss(100)   -- Additional identifiers
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree sg(702)   -- Singapore
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree se(752)   -- Sweden
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ua(804)   -- Ukraine
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gb(826)   -- United Kingdom
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree us(840)   -- United States of America
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree identified-organization(3)   -- Organization identification...
  Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree joint-iso-itu-t(2) | joint-iso-ccitt(2)   -- Areas of joint work...
    |-Leaf of the OID tree presentation(0)   -- Presentation layer service and protocol
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree asn1(1)   -- ASN.1 standards
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree association-control(2)   -- Association Control Service Element...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reliable-transfer(3)   -- Reliable transfer service element
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree remote-operations(4)   -- Remote Operations Service Element (ROSE)
    Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ds(5) | directory(5)   -- Directory services
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree module(1)   -- ASN.1 modules
    | |-Leaf of the OID tree serviceElement(2)   -- Directory service elements
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree applicationContext(3)   -- Application contexts
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree attributeType(4) | at(4) | id-at(4)   -- Attribute types
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree attributeSyntaxVendor(5)   -- Attribute syntax vendor
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree objectClass(6)   -- Information object classes
    | |-Leaf of the OID tree attribute-set(7)   -- X.500 attribute sets
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree algorithm(8)   -- Enveloped digital signature algorithms
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree abstractSyntax(9)   -- Abstract syntaxes
    | |-Leaf of the OID tree object(10)   -- Objects
    | |-Leaf of the OID tree port(11)   -- Ports
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dsaOperationalAttribute(12)   -- Directory System Agent (DSA)...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree matchingRule(13)   -- Matching rules
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree knowledgeMatchingRule(14)   -- Knowledge matching rules
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree nameForm(15)   -- Name forms
    | |-Leaf of the OID tree group(16)   -- Groups
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree subentry(17)   -- Subentries
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree operationalAttributeType(18)   -- Operational attribute types
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree operationalBinding(19)   -- Operational bindings
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree schemaObjectClass(20)   -- Schema object classes
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree schemaOperationalAttribute(21)   -- Schema operational attributes
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree administrativeRoles(23)   -- Administrative roles
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree accessControlAttribute(24)   -- Access control attributes
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree rosObject(25)   -- Remote Operations Service (ROS) objects
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree contract(26)   -- Contracts
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree package(27)   -- Packages
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree accessControlSchemes(28)   -- Access control schemes
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree certificateExtension(29) | ce(29) | id-ce(29)   -- Certificate...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree managementObject(30)   -- Management objects
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree attributeValueContext(31)   -- Attribute value contexts
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree securityExchange(32)   -- Security exchanges
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree idmProtocol(33)   -- Internet Directly Mapped (IDM) protocol
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree problem(34)   -- Problem definitions
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree notification(35)   -- Notification attributes
    | |-Leaf of the OID tree matchingRestriction(36)   -- Matching restrictions
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree controlAttributeType(37)   -- Control attribute types
    | |-Leaf of the OID tree keyPurposes(38)   -- Key purposes
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree passwordQuality(39)   -- Password quality
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree attributeSyntax(40) | asx(40)   -- Attribute syntaxes
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree avRestriction(41)   -- "avRestriction"
    | |-Leaf of the OID tree cmsContentType(42)   -- Certificate Management System (CMS)...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree wrprot(43) | wrapperProtocolType(43)   -- Protected protocols
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree algo(44) | algorithm(44)   -- Algorithms
    Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree mhs(6) | mhs-motis(6)   -- Message Handling System (MHS), also...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree protocols(0)   -- Protocols
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ipms(1)   -- InterPersonal Messaging System (IPMS)
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree asdc(2)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.400 Abstract Service Definition...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree mts(3)   -- Message Transfer System (MTS)
    | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ms(4)   -- Message Store (MS)
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree modules(0)   -- ASN.1 modules
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ot(1)   -- Object types
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pt(2)   -- Port types
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree att(3)   -- Attribute types
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree act(4)   -- Auto-action types
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree crt(5)   -- Contracts
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cp(6)   -- Connection packages
    | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree aae(7)   -- Auto-action errors
    | | | -Leaf of the OID tree auto-alert-error(0)   -- Auto alert error
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree mr(8)   -- Matching rules
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ext(9)   -- Extensions
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree alg(10)   -- Algorithms
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree arch(5)   -- Overall architecture
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree group(6)   -- Groups
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree edims(7)   -- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) messaging
    | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree vmgs(8)   -- Voice Messaging System
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree act(1)   -- Voice messaging auto-action identifier types
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree bat(2)   -- Body attributes
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree bp(3)   -- Voice messaging body part types
    | | |-Leaf of the OID tree dir(4)   -- Voice messaging use of directories
    | | |-Leaf of the OID tree for(5)   -- Voice messaging action indicator types
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree hat(6)   -- Heading attributes
    | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ipe(7)   -- InterPersonal Message's (IPM) voice messaging...
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree mct(8)   -- Message content types
    | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree mod(9)   -- Modules
    | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree object-identifiers(0)   -- ASN.1 module named...
    | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree functional-objects(1)   -- ASN.1 module named...
    | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree information-objects(2)   -- ASN.1 module named...
    | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree abstract-service(3)   -- ASN.1 module named...
    | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree message-store-attributes(4)   -- ASN.1 module named...
    | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree upper-bounds(5)   -- ASN.1 module named VMGSUpperBounds
    | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree id-mod-vmg-directory-cl-att(6)   -- ...
    | | | -Leaf of the OID tree message-store-auto-actions(7)   -- ASN.1 module named...
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree nat(10)   -- Notification attributes
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree nt(11)   -- Voice messaging notification types
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ot(12)   -- Object types
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pt(13)   -- Port types
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree rat(14)   -- Recipient attributes
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ref(15)   -- Refinements
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree sat(16)   -- Summary attributes
    | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree syn(17)   -- Voice messaging synopsis types
    | | -Leaf of the OID tree vm(18)   -- Voice messaging
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree management(9)   -- Message Handling Systems (MHS) management
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree routing(10)   -- Message Handling Systems (MHS) routing
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ccr(7)   -- Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery (CCR) service and...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree oda(8)   -- Open Document Architecture (ODA)
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ms(9) | osi-management(9)   -- OSI network management, and...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree transaction-processing(10)   -- Transaction processing
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dor(11) | distinguished-object-reference(11)   -- ISO 10031-2...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reference-data-transfer(12) | rdt(12)   -- Referenced Data...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree network-layer(13) | network-layer-management(13)   -- Network...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree transport-layer(14) | transport-layer-management(14)   -- ...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree datalink-layer(15) | datalink-layer-management(15) | ...   -- OSI data...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree country(16)   -- Joint (ITU-T and ISO/IEC) registration within a...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree registration-procedures(17)   -- ISO/IEC and/or ITU-T activities...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree physical-layer(18) | physical-layer-management(18)   -- Physical...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree mheg(19)   -- Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree genericULS(20) | generic-upper-layers-security(20) | guls(20)   -- ...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree transport-layer-security-protocol(21)   -- Transport layer...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree network-layer-security-protocol(22)   -- Network layer security...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree international-organizations(23)   -- International organizations
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree sios(24)   -- Security Information Objects (SIOs) for access...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree uuid(25)   -- Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs) generated in...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree odp(26)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.900 series | ISO/IEC 10746 & 13235...
    Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree tag-based(27) | nid(27)   -- Tag-based identifications...
    | |-Leaf of the OID tree mcode(1)   -- mCode, micro-mCode and mini-mCode for mobile RFID...
    | -Leaf of the OID tree ucode(2)   -- "ucode" identification scheme
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree its(28)   -- Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree upu(40)   -- Universal Postal Union (UPU)
    Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree bip(41)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.1083 | ISO/IEC 24708 "Bio application...
    | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree modules(0)   -- ASN.1 modules
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree telebiometrics(42)   -- Telebiometrics including telehealth and...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cybersecurity(48)   -- Cybersecurity information exchange
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree alerting(49)   -- Alerts and alerting agencies according to...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ors(50)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.672 | ISO/IEC 29168-1 "Information...
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gs1(51)   -- GS1
    Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree uav(52)   -- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
    -Leaf of the OID tree example(999)   -- Example
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To unfold (respectively, fold) a particular level of the tree, click on an icon like Unfolding the subtree (resp., Folding the subtree).
The beginning of each OID description is displayed on the left of each arc. For a display without descriptions, please click on Undetailed tree display.
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