OID repository
OID Repository
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  Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree itu-t(0) | ccitt(0) | itu-r(0)   -- International Telecommunication...
  | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree recommendation(0)   -- ITU-T Recommendations (International...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree a(1)   -- Series A of ITU-T Recommendations "Organization of the...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree b(2)   -- Series B of ITU-T Recommendations - Means of...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree c(3)   -- Series C of ITU-T Recommendations - General...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree d(4)   -- Series D of ITU-T Recommendations "General tariff...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree e(5)   -- Series E of ITU-T Recommendations "Overall network...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree f(6)   -- Series F of ITU-T Recommendations "Non-telephone...
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree g(7)   -- Series G of ITU-T Recommendations "Transmission...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree g711(711)   -- Recommendation ITU-T G.711 series
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 719   -- Recommendation ITU-T G.719 "Low-complexity, full-band...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 726   -- ITU-T G.726 "40, 32, 24, 16 kbit/s Adaptive...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree sdhm(774) | g774(774)   -- Recommendation ITU-T G.774...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree g722-1(7221) | g7221(7221)   -- Recommendation ITU-T G.722.1...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 7222   -- Rec. ITU-T G.722.2 "Wideband coding of speech at...
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree g776-1(7761) | g7761(7761)   -- Recommendation ITU-T G.776.1...
  | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree attribute(7)   -- Attribute types
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gntm(85501)   -- Recommendation ITU-T G.855.1 (March 1999)...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree h(8)   -- Series H of ITU-T Recommendations "Audiovisual and...
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree i(9)   -- Series I of ITU-T Recommendations "Integrated Services...
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree atmm(751) | i751(751)   -- Recommendation ITU-T I.751:...
  | | |   Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree informationModel(0)   -- Information model
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree j(10)   -- Series J of ITU-T Recommendations "Cable networks and...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree k(11)   -- Series K of ITU-T Recommendations "Protection against...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree l(12)   -- Series L of ITU-T Recommendations "Environment and...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree m(13)   -- Series M of ITU-T Recommendations "Telecommunication...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree n(14)   -- Series N of ITU-T Recommendations "Maintenance:...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree o(15)   -- Series O of ITU-T Recommendations "Specifications of...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree p(16)   -- Series P of ITU-T Recommendations "Telephone...
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree q(17)   -- Series Q of ITU-T Recommendations "Switching and...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreePartial tree display  (51 OIDs)
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree r(18)   -- Series R of ITU-T Recommendations "Telegraph...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree s(19)   -- Series S of ITU-T Recommendations "Telegraph services...
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t(20)   -- Series T of ITU-T Recommendations "Terminals for...
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t43(43)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.43 "Colour and gray-scale...
  | | | | -Leaf of the OID tree 0   -- Joint Bi-level Image experts Group (JBIG) coding...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t123(123)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.123 "Network-specific...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t124(124)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.124 "Generic Conference...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t126(126)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.126 "Multipoint still...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t127(127)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.127 "Multipoint binary...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t128(128)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.128 "Multipoint...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t134(134)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.134 "Text chat...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t135(135)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.135:...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t136(136)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.136 "Remote device...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t137(137)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.137 "Virtual meeting...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 330   -- ASN.1 module named TLMAAbsService
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t433(433) | dtam(433)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.433...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t434(434) | bft(434)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.434 "Binary...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t435(435)   -- Recommendation ITU-T T.435 "Document Transfer...
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree t436(436) | id-dtam-dm-tk-protocol(436)   -- Recommendation...
  | | |   Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree modules(0)   -- ASN.1 modules
  | | |   Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ac(1)   -- Application contexts
  | | |   Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree abstract-syntax(2)   -- Abstract syntaxes
  | | |   Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ase(3)   -- Application service elements
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree u(21)   -- Series U of ITU-T Recommendations "Telegraph...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree v(22)   -- Series V of ITU-T Recommendations "Data communication...
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree x(24)   -- Series X of ITU-T Recommendations "Data networks,...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree x162(162)   -- Recommendation ITU-T X.162 "Definition of...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree x754(754) | eecmod(754)   -- Recommendation ITU-T X.754...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree x790(790)   -- Recommendation ITU-T X.790 "Trouble management...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree x792(792) | configAud(792)   -- Recommendation ITU-T X.792...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cms-profile(894)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.894 | ISO/IEC 24824-4...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree tsm-1(1084)   -- Recommendation ITU-T X.1084 "Telebiometrics...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree tai(1089)   -- Recommendation ITU-T X.1089 "Telebiometrics...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree x1125(1125)   -- Recommendation ITU-T X.1125 "Correlative...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree igscs(1243)   -- Recommendation ITU-T X.1243: "Interactive...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cap(1303)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.1303 "Common Alerting Protocol...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cmail(1341)   -- Recommendation ITU-T X.1341 "Certified mail...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree y(25)   -- Series Y of ITU-T Recommendations "Global information...
  | | -Leaf of the OID tree z(26)   -- Series Z of ITU-T Recommendations "Languages and...
  | |-Leaf of the OID tree question(1)   -- ITU-T Questions
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree administration(2)   -- National administrations of ITU Member...
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree network-operator(3)   -- Network operators
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree identified-organization(4)   -- International research or industry...
  | |-Leaf of the OID tree r-recommendation(5)   -- International Telecommunication Union -...
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree data(9)   -- Mis-defined because some people believed it was a...
  Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso(1)   -- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree standard(0)   -- ISO or IEC International Standards (not jointly...
  | | Unfolding the subtreePartial tree display  (148 OIDs)
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree registration-authority(1)   -- Registration authorities
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree member-body(2)   -- ISO Member Bodies
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree identified-organization(3)   -- Organization identification...
  Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree joint-iso-itu-t(2) | joint-iso-ccitt(2)   -- Areas of joint work...
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To unfold (respectively, fold) a particular level of the tree, click on an icon like Unfolding the subtree (resp., Folding the subtree).
The beginning of each OID description is displayed on the left of each arc. For a display without descriptions, please click on Undetailed tree display.
The display is truncated for tree levels that contain more than 40 OIDs. For a full display, please click on one of the Partial tree display  icons to expand the tree (except if there are more than 300 child OIDs).
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