OID repository
OID Repository
Display OID:
Density of {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 171 dlink-products(10) dlink-DGS12XXSeriesProd(76)}   Action itemDisplay this OID
Action itemNumber of OIDs
Action itemMost populated OID arcs
Separation line
This partial tree only displays subtrees with more than 270 descendant OIDs to show the heaviest subtrees (i.e. with the greatest number of child OIDs, grandchild OIDs and so on) of the selected OID. (Please note that it is the number of descendants as described in this OID repository, not necessarily the real number of descendants of each OID.)
Separation line
  Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree   
    Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dlink-DGS12XXSeriesProd(76) | ...   [26 218 OIDs = 100%]
      Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-16ax(9)   [480 OIDs = 2%]
      Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-24ax(10)   [480 OIDs = 2%]
      Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-48ax(11)   [482 OIDs = 2%]
      Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-10pax(12) | dgs-1210-10pbx(12)   [948 OIDs = 4%]
      Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-20bx(14)   [817 OIDs = 3%]
      Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28bx(15)   [817 OIDs = 3%]
      Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28pbx(16)   [866 OIDs = 3%]
      Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-52bx(17)   [819 OIDs = 3%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-10p(18)   [906 OIDs = 3%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-10pcx(1)   [905 OIDs = 3%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-20(19)   [860 OIDs = 3%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-20cx(1)   [859 OIDs = 3%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28(20)   [856 OIDs = 3%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28cx(1)   [855 OIDs = 3%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28p(21)   [908 OIDs = 3%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28pcx(1)   [907 OIDs = 3%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-52(22)   [862 OIDs = 3%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-52cx(1)   [861 OIDs = 3%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28me(28)   [1 924 OIDs = 7%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28meax(1)   [1 923 OIDs = 7%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-52me(29)   [1 888 OIDs = 7%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-52meax(1)   [1 887 OIDs = 7%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28pme(30)   [1 925 OIDs = 7%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28pmeax(1)   [1 924 OIDs = 7%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-20me(31)   [1 924 OIDs = 7%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-20meax(1)   [1 923 OIDs = 7%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-10me(32)   [1 885 OIDs = 7%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-10meax(1)   [1 884 OIDs = 7%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28xscme(39)   [1 999 OIDs = 8%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28xscmebx(1)   [1 998 OIDs = 8%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28xme(43)   [2 016 OIDs = 8%]
      | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-28xmebx(1)   [2 015 OIDs = 8%]
      Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-12tsme(44)   [2 013 OIDs = 8%]
        Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dgs-1210-12tsmebx(1)   [2 012 OIDs = 8%]
Separation line
Clicking on an icon like Folding the subtree or Unfolding the subtree displays a density tree focused on the associated OID.
Arcs which hold more than 4% of the total number of OIDs are in orange.
To display a global density tree with percentages compared to the total number of OIDs in the OID repository, click on Undetailed tree display.
Separation line
OID helper Webmaster Bullet 22 Dec 2024 Bullet Page top